
Innovating Industries Being Digital

Working at an intersection of technology and media, our expertise lie in the areas of Digital Strategy, giving us an opportunity to work with clients for these indsutries accelerating their busineses with our in-house venture arm that works on cutting edge solutions to fuel our own product initiatives.


Ecommerece is fastly growing and right now more than 45% of USA economy is contributed by ecommerce. We have the expertise to accelerate Ecommerce business and guide about its complete process from start to scale and make great sales from your business.


Healthcare sector’s digital presence is also essential these days.  How can your potential clients call you for early appointments in general medical fields, dentistry, hospitals, pharmacy billing and orders? The healthcare business domain is rapidly getting digitalized and you will see best results for sure.


Education becoming digital and covid has proven its importance in the growth of society already. We will acceleratae your education profgrams growth by making its online presence effective with our technologies and digital marketing methodologies and services resulting in growth potentially.


Restaurant and food industry is also having growth being digital. Online food ordering is the new normal and accelertaed in covid. We will help your restaurant and fod chain to grow more through ecommerce and social media services resulting scalable potential in your ood business.


Travel and Tourism business is not much operating through physical offices due to covid these days. You can find plenty of travel and tour operating firms with the best websites and tour plans. If you are lagging in this industry, immediately get on board with us to discuss your market scope, and what sort of online presence you need to accelerate your business.

Real Estate

Real Estate is one of the main industries contributing the economy of United States. Build your digital presence by getting consultancy and services from us and reach your potentual clients which you are missing right now as in covid, most real estate ofices are closed resulting in miniming clients, so its the best chance to reach to clients spending time online and accelerate your busieness.

Fitness & Sports

Fitness clubs and gyms are closed due to covid and health  activities are digital having consultants coaching through virtual classes. If you are from the same industry, you also need to build your presence digitally having your business website and soicial media strategies to reach your potential clients and accelerate your business.

Dorts Digital is a digital innovation company having pool of experts for accelerating your business online.







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